Man using the B.Pad Evo while reading a book

Don’t spend your vacation stressed out. Feel your best every day with BEMER therapy.

Vacation is your time to leave the worries and responsibilities of daily life behind. No calls to make, no paperwork to file, and no strict schedule to keep.

And while for many people that may sound like heaven, for others, the stress of planning and traveling can make a vacation more trouble than it’s worth.

But with a little help from BEMER, you can shift into the vacation mindset and fully embrace each moment, feeling your best.

Whether you have trouble leaving your responsibilities behind or you’re simply looking for a way to amplify your getaway bliss, the article below will show you how—with BEMER as your travel buddy—you can squeeze every last drop of relaxation and renewal out of your vacation.

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Better Blood Flow, Better Well-Being

If you find it tough to relax when you have time off, you’re not alone. In our fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to have that nagging feeling that you should always be doing something.

But this hangup can make going on vacation feel like another task to be done rather than a chance to let go and be free of your usual obligations.

And since it’s a mental block, your first thought when trying to move past it is probably to take a top-down approach with activities like meditation, which is a fantastic way to calm the mind and body.

But you can also start from the bottom up, relaxing and sharpening the mind by focusing on one incredibly powerful bodily system: circulation.

Circulation is the river of life that delivers oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body—from the muscles in your toes all the way up to your brain…

And improving your blood flow benefits both the body and the mind. With more oxygen, your muscles will have extra fuel to perform and recover better, and your brain will have an easier time handling stress, leaving you with a greater feeling of overall well-being.

One of the best ways to naturally boost your blood flow—outside of regular exercise—is daily BEMER therapy.

Using patented pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology, BEMER safely sends a therapeutic signal through the body to stimulate healthy muscles for a temporary boost in blood flow, oxygen delivery, and carbon dioxide removal.* It’s like a wireless phone charger for your body.

And the best part is that it’s easy to travel with and use in a pinch, taking just two eight-minute sessions a day to see results.

Especially when you’re on vacation, enhancing your blood flow with BEMER can lead to all sorts of benefits that will help you ease into the experience and savor every moment…

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Fight Back Against Jet Lag

Unfortunately, jet lag doesn’t care how much work you put into planning your getaway or how long you’ve been waiting for some time off. At the drop of a hat, it can creep in and disrupt or even ruin your vacation plans, making it next to impossible to relax and enjoy yourself.

Three of the most common symptoms of jet lag include poor rest, sluggishness, and reduced mental and physical performance…

And that’s where BEMER comes to the rescue.

Remember those two eight-minute sessions we talked about? When you do them every day, BEMER therapy is proven to provide enhanced rest, recovery, and performance, as well as a feeling of better overall well-being.

While these benefits may not cure you of your jet lag, they can certainly help you fight it. When you feel mentally and physically healthier, you can be more present and engaged during your hard-earned time off.

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More Energy for Adventure

If your vacation plans include long days of sightseeing or outdoor activities like hiking or watersports, you need all the energy you can get.

When you bring BEMER along for the journey, your muscles will have access to more oxygen-rich blood, leading to improved physical fitness, conditioning, performance, recovery, and overall well-being, which can provide you with plenty of fuel for your adventure.

That way, you can unleash your lust for life, meet every precious moment of your vacation with clarity, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Find Your Vacation Rhythm

As free and spontaneous as getaways are meant to be, one of the things that can help us get into the vacation groove is routine.

Starting your day with a piping hot cup of coffee, a morning walk, or a yoga session can plant you firmly in the moment, ready to fully embrace what the day has in store.

With BEMER as your travel buddy, you can kick your mornings off with a rejuvenating therapy session that will melt away stress and prime your body and mind for the day in just eight minutes. At the end of the day, you can enjoy your second session right before bed, setting a consistent and healthy routine to help you get into your vacation rhythm.

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Get the Most Out of Your Rest & Relaxation Time

Whether you’re a full-time employee or an executive, chances are you only have a few weeks of vacation time a year.

That makes every second of downtime all the more precious.

Luckily, daily BEMER therapy can help you optimize your blood flow for enhanced rest, relaxation, and recovery, giving you the most bang for every buck you can squeeze out of your vacation.

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Give Your Body & Mind the VIP Treatment They Deserve

For many of us, a dream vacation is one where we can simply lean in, relax, and enjoy our time off.

But it doesn’t have to be a dream.

Making room in your luggage for BEMER can turn any trip into a therapeutic, stress-relieving experience.

Get in touch with a BEMER distributor today to learn more about how BEMER therapy can take your relaxation, stress relief, and overall health to new heights.

*BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.

BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.